Writing, Editing, Fandom, etc.

If you’d like to get a sneak peek into my mind, but quick-bite social media platforms aren’t really your thing, you’re in luck! Freaking Narnia now has a Medium account, where I will post longer articles where I dive just a little deeper into various topics. It will mainly focus on my writing – what I’m working on at the moment, the themes or formats I’m struggling with, tips and tricks I find helpful to keep me chugging along, etc. But I may delve into the editing process every now and then, or talk about my (many, many) fandoms, if the topic happens to intersect with one of my writing projects.

All of my articles will be hosted on Medium, and the most recent ones will be linked below. If you’d like to read more, or don’t want to miss any new articles I might post in the future, be sure to follow me on Medium!

From the Blog

  • A Method to my Madness: Reflecting on Ellen Brock’s Writer Types
    on July 21, 2024

    The four writer types. Base image from Ellen Brock on YoutubeYesterday, I watched this video by editor Ellen Brock on YouTube. It’s from about four years ago, but it still feels very relevant. In the video, she explains how she came up with a system to classify writers by the way they approach the writing process: the plotter-pantser divide has been around for a long time, but her innovation is the addition of a second axis for the spectrum […]

  • The Terrible Two … Thousand Words: Writing Through Distractions
    on July 7, 2024

    The Terrible Two … Thousand Words: Writing Through DistractionsI finally did start writing my new novel that I mentioned in a previous post, and I have about twenty-five hundred words (about a scene and a half) already down. Starting a new novel is both exciting and overwhelming. Usually, when I first begin writing, putting those initial words on the page and fleshing out my characters feels amazing. But keeping that momentum going is a whole […]

  • In Memory of Donald Sutherland: A Legacy of Iconic Performances
    on June 20, 2024

    (Donald Sutherland by Jay L. Clendenin/Los Angeles Times)Today, we have lost a beloved actor, Donald Sutherland, whose remarkable career spanned over six decades. His presence on screen left an indelible mark on many of us, with performances that brought many beloved stories and characters to life. Today, we mourn his passing and celebrate the joy and inspiration he brought into our lives through his work.As a millennial, one of my earliest […]

  • Reclaiming the Past: Queer Romance and Historical Insight in Jeanne Reames’s “Dancing with the…
    on June 12, 2024

    Reclaiming the Past: Queer Romance and Historical Insight in Jeanne Reames’s “Dancing with the Lion” Duology(Image from the “History of Alexander” collection via the UK Royal Collection Trust)Happy Pride Month, everybody! Unintentionally on topic, this month and the last, I have been reading Jeanne Reames’s “Dancing with the Lion” duology.When I picked up the first book, I was not just seeking a historical adventure but also a […]

  • Starting Anew, or: Researcher’s Block Is a Real Thing
    on May 12, 2024

    Last week, I finished the first draft of my second novel — the one I mentioned in my post about writing out of time — and it was a relief. But there was no downtime for me: I sent it off for feedback and dove straight into setting up my next project. Scrivener template, character names, profiles, the works. But when it came time to actually write, I hit a snag.Because I am a total nerd, it turns out that I love the research part […]

  • Rediscovering the Joy: Why ‘Psych’ is Worth a Rewatch
    on May 6, 2024

    Rediscovering the Joy: Why “Psych” is Worth a Rewatch(Psych © NBC/Universal.)I don’t usually rewatch old shows, even those I really loved. Who has the time for that when there’s a whole world of new content out there to explore, right? And I especially don’t have the time to rewatch shows that are very lengthy. But I watch a lot of Youtube in the background while I work, and I recently watched an excellent, excellent video […]

  • Beyond Enemies: The Case for “Dislike to Love” in Romance Tropes
    on April 16, 2024

    Picture this: you’re chatting with someone about romance tropes, and they start gushing about “enemies to lovers.” You nod along, but deep down, you’re not vibing with it. Sure, Darcy and Elizabeth, Gilbert and Anne — they’re iconic, but are they really enemies? Not in your book (ha! Pun intended). That’s where the “dislike to love” label comes into play, though I’m sure someone out there has already come up with a […]

  • When the Credits Roll: Navigating the Sadness of a Favorite TV Show Ending
    on April 8, 2024

    (Young Royals © Netflix.)As the credits rolled on the final episode of Young Royals, a deep sense of melancholy settled over me like a heavy blanket. It isn’t just the end of a show; it’s bidding farewell to characters who have become an integral part of my life for over three years now. Saying goodbye to a beloved TV series is like parting ways with a piece of oneself, and the ache of separation can linger long after the screen fades […]

  • The Anxiety of Writing Out of Time
    on March 26, 2024

    (Visual representation of my brain right now.)While I’m in the query trenches with my first manuscript (wish me luck!), I’ve started writing my second novel. It’s very similar to the first one in theme — queer romance, minus the speculative elements — but very different in structure. It’s based on a fanfic I wrote a couple of years ago that I really loved, so I decided to modify it and expand it into a full novel. Most of […]